by SNGZ | Oct 30, 2015 | Tenders

Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited
(A Subsidiary of NNPC)
Block C, NNPC Towers, Herbert Macualay Way, P.M.B. 190, Garki- Abuja, Nigeria
Request for Expression of Interest for Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Contract for the Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal
The Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited (PPMC) intends to carry out the Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal with HPPE pipes.
Escarvos Terminal is a crude oil storage facility that is vital to NNPC/PPMC operations. Hence the need to ensure compliance with Industrial Safety Standard is necessary.
Fire Hydrant Ring Main is a pipeline network and other accessories that transport water for fire-fighting operation. The need to upgrade the facility is to avoid unexpected failure due to severe corrosion damage on the entire hydrant line caused by sea water being the source of water at the terminal, particularly at the critical points such as the weld joints, fittings and valves.
(2.0) Purpose of the Project
In view of the need to sustain high pressure, high volume during fire-fighting intervention and ensure compliance with Industrial Safety Standard, it is necessary to replace the Fire Hydrant Ring Main for effective fire-fighting capability at Escravos Terminal.
(3.0) Brief Description of the Project (Scope of Work)
The EPC Contract scope of work shall cover but not limited to the inspection of existing facilities, engineering, detailed design and procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and training.
The new HPPE Hydrant line, Pressure Safety valves, Bronze Threaded Gate valves, Hydrant and Bronze threaded electric Actuators in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as ASME 150, ANSI/AWWA C906, M&H AWWA C502 etc. are to be installed as replacement for obsolete facilities.
In line with the above, the following shall form but not limited to the scope of work to be executed:
(3.1) Procurement and delivery of 180nos. (2160m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 315 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 300nos (3600m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC, ISO 4427 (∅ 280 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 65nos (780m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 160 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 10nos (120m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 110 X 28.6mm X 12m) and associated fittings, w=20.43kg/m (0.4MT), CAF Gaskets consisting 15nos each (3”, 4” & 8”) 30noe-6”, 24nos-12” & 50nos-10” sizes
(3.2) Supply 48nos. HPPE End Flanges consisting Supply of 149nos. HPPE Butt Ends consisting of 15nos each (3”, 4” & 8”), 30nos-6”, 24nos-12” & 50nos-10” sizes.
(3.3) Provision for Hose cabinets
(3.4) Procurement and delivery for installation of Bronze Threaded Electrical Actuators (Intelligent Actuators -Rotork), Procurement and delivery for installation of Bronze Threaded Gate valves 12” ASME 150 Gear operated Model 8811 Oper 751G isolation valves flanged type with rubber gaskets, bolts and nuts to fit.
(3.5) Installation of HPPE pipes 6,600m long, road crossings inclusive.
(3.6) Installation and protection of 20nos. 4” and 10nos. 6” standard hydrant valve with flanges and fitted with isolation butterfly valves in concrete ducts and water hose caps/sockets.
(3.7) Excavation in alignment with hydrant line by ditching 1m x 1m x 6,600m hydrant line, point support, road crossings and laying of pipes as may be directed.
(3.8) Provision for backfilling/site reinstatement.
(3.9) Provision for Cashes and any other ancillary works necessary to complete the project as specified.
(3.10) Provision for tie-in and removal of old hydrant ring main to designated location
(3.11) Pre-commissioning/commissioning of fire water hydrant point fit for intended service
(4.0) Pre-Qualification Requirements
NNPC in compliance with the provisions of Public Procurement Prospective Act 2007 request interested companies to submit the detailed requirements listed below in their pre-qualification bid documents:
(4.1) Full details of company profile with Certificate of Incorporation in Nigeria, certified true copies of Memorandum and Article of Association of the company and CAC form C02 and C07 (Particular of Directors).
(4.2) Company Tax Clearance certificate for the last three (3) years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
(4.3) Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance.
(4.4) Evidence of compliance with part IV, 16(6d) of the public Procurement Act 2007 as it relates to PENSION (Certificate or exemption from PENCOM) and section 1(2) Pension Reform Act 2004.
(4.5) Evidence of Compliance with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amendment Act 2011 by inclusion of copy of Compliance Certificate from the Industrial Training Fund.
(4.6) Audited account for the past three (3) years (2012, 2013 & 2014).
(4.7) Nigerian Content plan that demonstrates full utilization of Nigerian Labour and Services with detailed description of role, work scope and man-hours in order to achieve minimum target as set out in the requirements of the NOGICD Act 2010.
(4.8) Current and in-place organizational structure with the detailed experience and skill of key management personnel with names. Provide evidence (personnel list and position organizational chart) percentage that are in Nigerian Nationals and the percentage of the total workforce that are Nigerians.
(4.9) Detail past/present commitment to staff training and development of Nigerian personnel.
(4.10) Evidence of financial capability/ Bank reference
(4.11) Evidence of verifiable work experience on similar service in Nigeria over the past five (5) years. Please attach reference letters.
(4.12) List of verifiable similar service detailing companies’ that the service rendered to. Company full contact address (Not P.O Box), Functional phone numbers and e-mail address.
(4.13) Confirm willingness to commence with the execution of this service on the basis of letter of intent (LOI).
(4.14) Company’s Cashes and QA/QC Policy & Details of safety records for accidents, incidents, injuries and damages for the past three (3) years e.g. lost time incidents, Down-time etc.
(4.15) Evidence of registration with Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) permit and NIPEX.
(4.16) Any additional information that will enhance the potentials of the company.
(5.0) Submission of Expression of Interest
All prospective companies wishing to express their interest to tender for the procurement of the works described in 3.0 above shall submit relevant documentation for pre-qualification as stipulated in 4.0 above. The requested information and any supporting documents in respect to these requirements should be submitted in One original plus Two hard copies and two electronic copies (CD ROM), The documents which shall be in separate packages shall be sealed and clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal” to reach the address given below, not later than Monday 28th December, 2015.
The Secretary,
C & I Dexcom Tenders Board, NNPC,
Block D, First ( 1st ) Floor, Room 45B, Herbert Macaulay Way,
NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT.
(6.0) Important Information
It must be noted that:
(6.1) Only shortlisted companies will be contacted
(6.2) Late submission shall be rejected
(6.3) Your company shall provide NNPC with letter of Authority to verify all claims made in your submissions
(6.4) Please note that this is not an invitation to tender. Only companies adjudged qualified by NNPC under this pre-qualification procedure will be invited to participate in the competitive tender
(6.5) NNPC reserve the absolute discretion and right to either accept or reject any documents and it shall not be required to assign a reason for refusal to invite your company to participate in the competitive bidding exercise or to enter any correspondence concerning the selection of any contract for the services
(6.6) All claims must be adequately substantiated and verifiable. NNPC shall deal directly with only authorized officers of the interested companies and not through individuals or agents (ownership is therefore essential)
(67) All cost incurred by your company as a result of this pre-qualification exercise shall be to your account.
(6.8) The pre-qualification and any related process neither create any commitment by NNPC nor establish any legal relationship
(6.9) Relevant and verifiable cognate experiences with NNPC/PPMC, or other organizations, on similar work stating the years and:
(i) Title of service (s)
(ii) Brief description of service (s)
(iii) Client (s)
(iv) Scope of work performed
(v) Date of award of contract(s)/contract value
(vi) Contractual period for execution of service
(vii) Actual period of execution/completion certificates
(viii) Reasons for discrepancies between (vi) & (vii) above if any
(ix) Nature of contract (fixed, lump sum, reimbursable, etc.)
(x) Name and address of a referee in Client Company for each project indicated (provide telephone numbers, fax and e-mail address for quick reference).
The EOIs must be submitted within working hours on or before 4p.m, December 28th, 2015.
All EOIs will be opened immediately after the above stated deadline.
by SNGZ | Sep 15, 2015 | Tenders
Invitation to Tender for Sale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil Grades at Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
NNPC Towers, Herbert Macaulay Way, P.M.B. 190,
Garki, Abuja – Nigeria.
Invitation to Tender for Sale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil Grades
(1.0) Introduction
NNPC is the Nigerian National Oil Corporation empowered pursuant to NNPC Act (LFN Cap. 320) to engage in all commercial activities relating to the Petroleum Operations.
In compliance with the Public Procurement Act 2007 and the Bureau of Public Procurement guidelines, NNPC intends to engage qualified and reputable Companies for the sale and purchase of Nigerian Crude oil grades.
(2.0) Brief Description of Scope of Sale
Sale and purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil grades subject to terms and conditions as will be advised in the term sheets and general form of agreement.
NB: Term Sheets and General Form of Agreement shall be made available to pre-qualified applicants. Who may apply:
(2.1) A bona fide end user who owns a refinery and may also own retail outlets. Bilateral involvement of home Governments may be added advantage.
(2.2) Trading arm of Upstream companies operating in Nigeria with established track record of oil and Gas production activities.
(2.3) An established and globally recognized large volume Crude Oil trader.
(2.4) Indigenous Nigerian company engaged in Nigerian Oil and Gas downstream business activities.
(3.0) Pre-Qualification Requirements
(3.1) Full details of company profile with Certificate of Registration/Incorporation, certified true copies of memorandum and article of Association of the company.
(3.2) Company Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
(3.3) Evidence of VAT registration and Remittance (where applicable).
(3.4) Demonstration of minimum annual turnover of US$750 million and net worth of at least US$300 million.
(3.5) Ability to establish an irrevocable Letter of Credit for the payment of any allocated Crude Oil subject to the contract terms.
(3.6) Ability to pay an initial deposit of US$2.5Million representing the first lifting deposit upon signing of the contract agreement.
(3.7) Evidence of compliance with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amendment Act 2011 by inclusion of copy of Compliance Certificate from the Industrial Training Fund (where applicable).
(3.8) Details of the applicant’s facilities, markets and volume of crude oil/ products traded and/or processed over the last three years.
(3.9) Audited account for three (3) years (2012, 2013 & 2014).
(3.10) Evidence of verifiable similar services carried out within the last five years
(3.11) Compliance with the Nigerian Content Act
Compliance with Nigerian Content Act shall be a major consideration in the selection of applicants to lift Nigerian crude oil. It should be noted that evidence of Nigerian equity in the entity seeking consideration shall give competitive advantage.
(3.12) Interested applicants must submit a detailed Nigerian Content execution strategy to the satisfaction of the NCDMB, clearly setting out Nigerian Content commitments for subcontracting in the areas of;
(3.12.1) Insurance and Legal Services
(3.12.2) Banking and Financial Services
(3.12.3) Training and Capacity Building
(3.13) Any additional information relevant to enhance the bid/tender process.
(3.14) Certainty of business integrity and pre-signed undertaking to strictly comply with Nigerian Anti-Corruption laws in processing the bid and executing the contract if successful.
(4) Other Conditions
In addition to the above, applicants should show commitment to the development of the Nigerian economy by investing in any number of investment opportunities that abound either in the oil industry or other sectors or, as an alternative, in the short run, meaningful and sizeable investment in community development project(s) as may be acceptable. Investment areas include:
(4.1) Upstream investment – to increase our reserves and production capacity;
(4.2) Downstream projects in refining, processing, distribution and storage of petroleum products;
(4.3) Gas utilization projects;
(4.4) Independent Power Plant Projects;
(4.5) Agriculture;
(4.6) Railway Construction;
(4.7) Solid Mineral Development;
(4.8) Healthcare sector development and Real Estate Development;
(4.9) And any other areas of the economy acceptable to the SELLER.
(5) Submission of Bid Documents
All prospective companies wishing to tender for the sale and purchase described in 2.0 above shall submit relevant documentation as stipulated in 3.0 above.
The requested information and any supporting documents in respect of these requirements shall be submitted in ONE original plus TWO hard copies and two electronic copies (CD ROM). The documents which should be in separate packages shall be sealed and clearly marked “Invitation to Tender forSale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil” to the following address:
The Group Managing Director
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
NNPC Towers
Herbert Macaulay Way
Central Area, Abuja
All the documents shall be delivered as follows:
(5.1) Bids to be submitted on or before 4.00pm on Monday, 26th October, 2015
(5.2) Venue: Block D, First (1st) Floor, Room 45B, Herbert Macaulay Way, NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT.
(5.3 ) Bids shall be opened on Tuesday, 27th October, 2015 at 10.00am in the Amphitheatre, 1stFloor, Block A, NNPC Towers.
(6) Important Information
(6.1) It must be noted that:
(6.2) Late submission shall be rejected.
(6.3) Your company shall provide NNPC with a Letter of Authority to verify all claims made in your submissions.
(6. 3) NNPC reserves the absolute discretion and right to either accept or reject any documents and it shall not be required to assign a reason for refusal to invite your company to participate in the bidding exercise or to enter into any correspondence concerning the selection of any contract for the services.
(6.4) All claims must be adequately substantiated and verifiable.
(6.5) NNPC shall deal directly with only authorized officers of the interested companies and not through individuals or agents (ownership is therefore essential).
(6.6) All costs incurred by your company as a result of this pre-qualification exercise and any subsequent request for information shall be to your account.
(6.7) The pre-qualification and any related process neither creates any commitment by NNPC nor establishes any legal relationship.
by SNGZ | Jul 31, 2015 | News, Tenders

Federal Republic of Nigeria
Government of Edo State
Ministry of Environment and Public Utilities
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)
Project ID: PI24905
Issuance Date: 30th July, 2015
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for GIS-Based Mapping under the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) in Edo State, Nigeria
This request for expression of interest follows the update of the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business issue of 27th April, 2012 and in Nigerian newspapers of 27th September, 2012.
As part of Governments commitment to transformation of the Nigerian socio-economy landscape, a multi-sector project is being executed in Nigeria to mitigate the vulnerability to erosion and support the people as they relate to their land. The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) is an 8-year multi-sectoral and multi-scale program that targets states with acute gully erosion. The project is involving many Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Local Governments, communities and civil Societies who are responsible for planning, economy, finance, works, agriculture, water resources, forests, transport, power, emergency response as well as those focused on climate and hydrological information or watershed/basin regulation. In order to achieve this, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a credit of US$500 million from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project.
The EDO State Project Management Unit of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project intends to use part of the proceeds of the credit for the recruitment of a competent consulting firm for the Mapping of Gully Erosion/flood Sites in the state and general landuse/landcover classification within the Geographic Information System (GIS) framework. The exercise is to help in knowing the status of gully erosion/flood sites and land resources in the state for effective management, monitoring and design of remediation works. The mapping will also underpin project presentation and reporting on key status of erosion sites especially the prioritized sites for the NEWMAP Gully Rapid Action and Slope Stabilization (GRASS) component.
The scope of the work includes the following:
(1) Identification of the sites affected by flood and erosion in the state through proper ground ‘trothing’ and/or field visits which involve, appraisals, observations and measurements (sample/specimen collection).
(2) Acquisition of necessary spatially referenced data of both primary source (such as attributes of selectee sites, comprising of soil types, vegetation types, land cover types and geo-ecological characteristics of the area.
(3) Acquisition of spatial data of secondary origin, such as topographic sheets and satellite images and other records.
(4) Development of spatial database that can be updated from time to time and subsequently, build a GIS for erosion and flood (Erosion and Flood Information systems – (EROFLIS) from the acquired primary and secondary data arising in (1) to (3) above.
(5) Conduct series of spatial analyses and modelling to produce map documents that can guide key policy and management decision making.
(6) Derivation of geo-database on the priority erosion and flood sites in the state
(7) Identification and delineation of major and minor watersheds in the state
(8) Identification of other potential areas prone to gully erosion and flooding in the state and the classification of the degree of vulnerability/risk potentials
(9) Identification of the mechanisms and processes driving erosion and flood development in the state
(10) Assessment of the socio-economic impact of gully erosion and flood hazards on the people
(11) Present in easy to read maps
(i) Spatial extent of erosion in the selected area
(ii) Spatial extent of Flood affected area
(iii) Spatial analysis of socio-economic impacts of RAP action
(iv) Selection of suitable site for resettlements
(v) Predictive models of erosion and flood risk hazard based on anthropogenic, climatic and environmental factors
(12) Proffer best management practices that could mitigate the current problems and prevent future erosion and flood hazards in the state.
The assignment shall be completed within Twelve (12) weeks after signing of contract. (C) EXPECTED OUTPUT/DELIVERABLES
The expected output includes:
(1) Map of land use/ Land cover types
(2) Maps of erosion and flood sites
(3) Maps of predicted flood sites and likely affected areas
(4) Map of erosion Risk hazard shown predicted annual soil loss
(5) GIS of disaster risk that can be updated (specific to erosion and flooding)
(6) Maps showing buildings that the RAP project will affect and the number of persons involved.
(7) Maps showing the best location for rehabilitation for the affected persons
(8) Catchment Area Delineation Maps.
The following deliverables will also be expected;
(i) Six (6) hard copies and electronic version of Inception Report with detailed work plan and indicators of performance. To be delivered within one week of signing the contract;
(ii) Eight hard copies and electronic version of Draft Report to be submitted to the client and circulated for comments and relevant issues raised incorporated into revised version. This will be delivered three (3) weeks after submission of inception report.
(iii) Final Report to include a concise Executive Summary with all annexes and bibliography and the dissemination/disclosure plan, to be delivered 2 weeks after submission of draft report.
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) now invite eligible consulting firms(“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are: (i) Evidence showing that the firm is a legal entity (ii). Evidence showing the fields of specialty of the firm (iii). General Experience of the Firm(s) in Consulting Services relating to GIS based mapping during the last 4 years (For each previous project performed, the consultant must provide the name and contact address of the client (office & e-mail address, and telephone number), date(s) of execution, name(s) of lead and associate firms, contract amount and financing sources.) (iv). Experience of working in a similar geographical region (v). Availability of Professional Key Staff with Suitable Qualifications in the field of assignment (vi). Evidence of registration with relevant authorities and professional bodies (vii). Evidence showing the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm in the field of assignment (viii). Brief description (not more than 2 pages) of the proposed Methodology of carrying out the scope of the work.
The attention of interested Consultants(firm) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants (under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants) by World Bank Borrowers) (January 2011) (“Consultant Guidelines”) Please visit, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest, in addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment on information on conflict of interest related to the assignment as per paragraph 1.9 of Consultant Guidelines.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultancy Qualification Selection (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further Information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (10.00 am to 4.00 pm).
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 14th August, 2015.
State Project Management Unit (SPMU)
Edo State – Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (EDO- NEWMAP) Palm House, 9th Floor, Sapele, Road,
Benin City Edo State, Nigeria
Tel: 08034279626, 09099746661, 08050180888
Attention: Engr. John Adisa
by SNGZ | Apr 21, 2015 | Tenders
Transmission Company of Nigeria
Public Notice
Invitation for the Pre-Qualification of Contractors for Supply of System Operation Telecommunication and SCADA Equipment/Materials
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), intends to procure and install some electrical operation equipment and materials for its on-going and existing station rehabilitation and grid maintenance for the 2015 fiscal year.
Accordingly, reputable companies, manufacturer and/or their representatives are hereby invited to apply for pre-qualification.
The required items/materials fall into the following categories.
Category A -Erection of Radio Communication Mast and Accessories. Category B – Scada Telemetry Equipments
Category C – Working and Study Tools
Category D – Provision of ICT Facility and Materials
Category E – Rehabilitation Control Room / Equipment
Category F- Fibre Optics Installation/Rehabilitation
Category G – Power Line Carrier (Plc) Communication System
Category H- Consultancy Services and Training for system Operations
Category I – Maintenance / Rehabilitation of Scada & Telecomm Equipment
Companies will be assessed in each of the categories according to their experiences.
General Requirements
Suitably qualified bidders are invited to participate in the bidding process by submitting the following prerequisite requirements:
(1) A copy of Certificate of Incorporation in Nigeria (Form C07 must be attached) or overseas.
(2) Company profile including
- Populated organizational structure and key professional staff with relevant experience.
- Availability of requisite and appropriate skills among key staff.
(3) Evidence of source of supply, including product brochure(s)
(4) Evidence of experience in at least two (2) jobs of similar nature and complexity previously executed or currently being executed with verifiable Letters of Contract Award and Certificates of Completion where applicable within the past five years or details of on-going contracts with government organisation, ministries or parastatal
(5) Where a Company is in Joint ventures (JV), the lead partner shall be technically experienced member and with higher financial standing
The JV agreement must be signed by the Chief Executive of the JV and witness by a Notary Public. Each member company must be severally and jointly liable under the JV agreement which must be attached
The lead/local partner shall provide all the Necessary Advanced Payment Guarantee (APG) and Performance Bonds for payment for the contract.
A firm can only be partner in ONLY ONE JV or Consortium. Bids submitted by JV or Consortium including the same firms as partners will be rejected.
(6) Prospective EPC Companies whose major equipment will come from countries that will deny TCN Engineers who are first time overseas travellers visas, need not apply.
(7) Evidence of local Content Plan including evidence of indigenous staff involvement in jobs done in Nigeria and company facilities shall be submitted.
(8) Evidence of current Certificate of Compliance with the Pension Reform Act.
(9) Evidence of current Certified Audited Account for three (3) years.
(10) Evidence of Three (3) years (2012-2014) current Tax Clearance which shall be verified and the original sighted on demand.
(11) Evidence of VAT registration certificate
(12) Evidence of equipment manufacture representatives where applicable
(13) Evidence of financial capability and banking support.
Important Information
(1) TCN/SO have the right to verify any claim(s) by company and therefore advised to include in their submissions necessary information for such.
(2) Only technically pre-qualified contractors will be invited to submit financial proposals.
(3) Any contractor engaged in TCN, PHCN, PMU or NIPP project whoso performance has been proven to be unsatisfactory will not be pre-qualified.
(4) Companies known to be consultant or partners to consultants with TCN,
PHCN, PMU and NIPP will not be considered under this pre-qualification exercise.
(5) Contractors with litigation history/petitions with TCN, PHCN, PMU and NIPP will not be pre-qualified.
(6) TCN reserve the right to categorise applicants for 330KV or 132KV projects based on their experience.
(7) For JV Companies, final agreements will be signed only in the name of the lead partner.
(8) No supply and services contractor can win more than two Lots in a category.
Collection of Pre-Qualification and Technical
Interested contractors can obtain the Technical/Pre-qualification Bid Document from the office of the
General Manager (Proc)
TCN, Headquarters Plot 144 Zambezi Crescent Maitama, Abuja.
Collection of Document
Contractors can request for the pre-qualification document from the office of Genera Manager (Proc) TCN as from Tuesday, 12th May, 2015
Submission of Tender Documents
One original plus a soft copy in a virus free flash drive of the proposal are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked at the right hand corner indicating appropriate CATEGORY and name of Bidder clearly written at the reverse side. Bid document should be submitted for EACH Category (SUBMIT SEPARATE DOCUMENT FOR EACH CATEGORY OF CHOICE) to reach the address below not later than Tuesday, 26th May, 2015
General Manager (Procurement) TCN,
Room 122, 1st Floor, PHCN Headquarters,
Plot 14 Zambezi Crescent,
Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria
Please Note:
(a) This advertisement shall not be construed as a commitment on the part of TCN/SO to award contract to any con tractor.
(b) TCN/SO reserves the right to take decisions on any of the documents received and not obligated to accept any Bids.
For further information and/or clarification, please contact the following e-mail addresses;
Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN)
by SNGZ | Feb 9, 2015 | Tenders
Yellowstone Power Generation Project
Invitation for Expressions of Interest for EPC and O&M Contractors for a 350MW Gas-Fired Thermal Power Plant in Nigeria
Yellowstone Electric Power Limited (“Yellowstone”), wishes to invite interested qualified parties to express interest in providing engineering, procurement and construction (EPC services) and Operations and Maintenance (O&M services) necessary for the Turnkey implementation of its 350 MW simple cycle gas fired power plant. The power plant shall be constructed near the town of Ajaokuta in Kogi State, Nigeria (“the Yellowstone Project”).
Any party wishing to submit an Expression of Interest to provide EPC and O&M services for the Yellowstone Project (an (Applicant”) is hereby encouraged to contact the Designated Representatives listed below.
Each Applicant will be supplied with detailed information regarding the process for submission of an Expression of Interest, including the required supporting documentation.
The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is February 21, 2015.
Based upon an evaluation of the Expressions of Interest received, Yellowstone (in its sole discretion) will select those Applicants to be invited to tender for EPC and O&M services for the Yellowstone Project.
Successful Applicants will be issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT) and other bidding documents.
It is anticipated that the ITT will be issued in April 2015.
Designated Representative:
Yellowstone Electric Power Ltd
4th Floor, the Octagon, 13A
AJ Marinho Drive, Victoria
Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Attention: Ms Sandy Eyal and Mr. Ronen Gani
Emil: ,
Please note that this is not an invitation to tender. Yellowstone shall be responsible for the cost of any submission. Any submission shall be at the cost of the Applicant. Yellowstone reserves the right to accept or reject any submission.
by SNGZ | Jan 27, 2015 | News, Tenders
National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON)
Invitation to Tender for Printing of Passport Appendices and Pilgrims’ Identity Cards for Hajj 2015
The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), hereby requests reputable and competent printing companies to summit tender for the printing of passport Appendices and pilgrims identity cards for the 2015 Hajj operations. The items are as stated below
Item |
Quantity |
Colour of Cover |
Passport Appendices for ordinary pilgrims |
67,000 |
Ash |
Identify cards for ordinary pilgrims |
67,000 |
Passport Appendices for international
pilgrims |
10, 200 |
Purple |
(2) Samples of the intended items shall be available for inspection by the prospective applicants at the procurement Unit of the Commission between 12noon and 4pm every working day within the advert period,
Tender Requirements
(3) Applicants must have the capacity to produce security documents and are required to submit the following:
(a) Current pension Clearance Certificate from PENCOM.
(b) Evidence of Compliance Certificate with the provision of section 6(1) (3) of the Ammended Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act No. 19 of 2011
(c) Audited accounts of the Company for the last three years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
(d) Evidence of Experience in Jobs of Similar Nature and Complexity Executed within the last (5) years with Verifiable Letters of Contract Award and Certificates of Job Completion.
(e) Detail Company profile including contact address of the company and indicating CVs/Provisional Qualification of key Company staff.
(f) Evidence of verifiable Financial Capacity/Reference letter from a Reputable Bank (attach Bank Reference Letter).
(g) A Sworn affidavit that all the information/Documents provided is Correct and verifiable by the Organization.
Collection of tender documents:
Interested eligible Firms/contractors are expected to collect the tender documents from the address below:
The Secretary,
Procurement Planning Committee,
NAHCON Head Office,
Sokoto House.
No 1, First Avenue.
Off Ahmadu Bello Way,
Central Business District
Interested eligible Firms/Contractors are expected to pay a non-refundable tender fee of Five Thousand Naira only (N5.000) in a certified bank draft payable to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria.
Submission of Documents:
All Tender documents (Technical and financial) three copies each, are to be neatly bound and placed in two separate envelopes and clearly marked at the top left hand corner with TECHNICAL BID FOR PRINTING OF PASSPORT APPENDICES AND PILGRIMS IDENTITY CARDS FOR HAJJ 2015 and FINANCIAL BID FOR PRINTING OF PASSPORT APPENDICES AND PILGRIMS’ IDENTITY CARDS FOR HAJJ 2015 with the name of the Company/Firm clearly written at the reverse side of the envelope. The envelope should be addressed to:
The Secretary,
Procurement Planning Committee,
NAHCON Head Office,
Sokoto House, No 1, First Avenue,
Off Ahmadu Bello Way,
Central Business District
All tender documents should be dropped in the tender box located at the office of the Commission’s Secretary within working hours on or before Tuesday 10th March, 2015 at 2.00pm
Opening Of Bids:
Tender documents will be opened immediately following the deadline of the submission on Tuesday,10th March, 2015 by 2:00pm at the Reception Hall of the Commission’s Headquarters, National Hajj Commission of Nigeria. No.1 First Avenue, Off Ahmadu Bello Way, Abuja. All applicants and interested members of public are invited to attend the bids opening session.
Note Please:
Successful Companies are to note that:
(i) This invitation is not interested to create any form of contractual relationship or obligation on the part of the Commission; nether shall it be liable to any applicant for any expenses or loss incurred in connection with this application.
(ii) Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the Commission’s Secretary.
(iii) Failure to satisfactorily fulfill the conditions as requested above will result to invalidation of such bid.
(iv) Only shortlisted firms would be contacted.
(v) This advertisement is published for information purpose only and should not be considered as a commitment or obligation on the part of the Commission to award a Contract.
(vi) The Commission is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the bidding process without incurring any liabilities and assigning any reason thereof.
(viii) Bidding documents must be dully signed by an authorized official to bind the bidder to contract.