Join us today at TFC Place, 2nd avenue, 22 Road, Festac Town, Lagos at 10am for a business briefing event on the Slovenia Delegation:Trade Mission to Nigeria.
Get to know Slovenia Business Environment.
Network with new and old members.
Begin to build your network for a potential business partners in Slovenia.
Explore the opportunities and benefits of doing business in Slovenia.
Engage with us today and be part of a potential business delegation to Slovenia in 2024
Slovenski poslovni klub v Nigeriji – Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE in SPIRIT Slovenija v partnerstvu z gospodarskima zbornicama v Abuji in Lagosu organizirata gospodarsko delegacijo v Nigerijo. Delegacija je del projekta Go Africa Project, katerega cilj je okrepiti gospodarsko izmenjavo in zagotoviti B2B & B2G platforme za mreženje ter izmenjavo informacij.
Nigerija predstavlja največji trg v Afriki in razpolaga z ogromno delovno silo. Država je velik izvoznik nafte, močno so razvite ključne telekomunikacijske in finančne industrije, prav tako so vodilni v regiji na področju kritične infrastrukture.
Gospodarska delegacija je še posebej namenjena sektorjem: energetika (obnovljivi viri energije), kmetijstvo, IKT, farmacija, rudarstvo in jeklarstvo, avtomobilska industrija, izobraževanje, nafta in plin, inženiring, trgovina in investicije, telekomunikacije, gozdarstvo, papirna industrija ter potrošništvo.
Dan 1 – 6. november
Odhod: Ljubljana – Abuja
Dan 2 – 7. november
Obisk Zveznega ministrstva trgovine in investicij (ang. Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment)
Obisk Nigerijske komisije za spodbujanje naložb (ang. Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission)
Obisk Nigerijskega sveta za spodbujanje izvoza (ang. Nigerian Export Promotion Council)
Dan 3 – 8. november
Uvodni pozdrav vodje delegacije in predsednika Gospodarske zbornice Abuja (ang. Abuja Chamber of Commerce)
10 :30
Predstavitev podjetij in B2B v prostorih Gospodarske zbornice Abuja (ang. Abuja Chamber of Commerce)
Obiski podjetij v glavnem mestu Abuja
Dan 4 – 9. november
Prihod v Lagos in možnost obiska turističnih znamenitosti
Dan 5 – 10. november
Uvodni pozdrav vodje delegacije in predsednika Gospodarske zbornice Lagos (ang. Lagos Chamber of Commerce)
Predstavitev podjetij in B2B v Gospodarski zbornici Lagos (ang. Lagos Chamber of Commerce)
Obisk podjetij v mestu Lagos
Dan 6 – 11. november
Prosti čas in odhod
12. november Povratek v Ljubljano
Zainteresirane predstavnike slovenskih podjetij z obravnavanih področij vljudno vabimo, da sodelovanje v delegaciji potrdite preko elektronske prijavnice najkasneje do 20. oktobra 2023 oziroma do zasedenosti prostih mest v delegaciji.
Prijavljena podjetja bodo o predlogu potovalnega aranžmaja obveščena naknadno.
Vabimo vas, da se pridružite gospodarski delegaciji, ki vam bo ponudila nove poslovne priložnosti ter odprla vrata 250 milijonskega trga Federalne Republike Nigerije!
The Slovenian business club in Nigeria ˝Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE˝ is organizing a business event – Presentation of the Slovenian economy to Nigerian entrepreneurs and investors. The event will be held in Nigeria, at One Nation Hotel, Plot 1248, 4th Avenue, Festac Town, Lagos-Nigeria. The event will take place on September 29, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Additional information can be obtained in Slovene or English from the president of the business club (Mr. Fred Uduma) at the email address: or the DG/CEO (Mr Uche Udungwor)
The event is co-financed by the public agency SPIRIT Slovenia and the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia.
The US tech giant Google is planning to launch a quantum technologies centre in Ljubljana, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister Igor Papič told the STA on 30 May. Doctoral students could start this autumn or next year at the latest. Several hundred engineers are expected to graduate annually.
Papič did not know the value of the investment. He said this was in Google’s hands. “The ministry has pledged to provide scholarships, training for students and help with their residence permits.”
“Google’s plan to educate doctors in the field of quantum technologies in Slovenia is a recognition for the country and the Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,” said Papič on the sidelines of the Conference by the Slovenian Committee of Electric Power Engineers in Bled.
The faculty and professor Dragan Mihailović are directly involved in the project, said Papič, adding that this proved Slovenia was recognised for its expertise in this niche field.
The minister said that Google would bring a number of globally acclaimed experts to the country, while Slovenia would try to attract some to stay here, because they are needed.
Nigeria Build Expo: 7th International Construction, Building Materials and Technologies Exhibition will take place on 06-08 June 2023 at LandMark Expo Center Nigeria – Lagos (Live Expo).
Our billboards are all around Nigeria , we are ready to welcome to exhibitors and visitors for the 7th time with con-current conferences and seminars.
Why Attend Nigeria Build Expo 2023 ?
As an attendee, you will meet international Manufacturers of over 150 brands, network with the right professionals and most importantly, have the opportunity to learn first hand from experienced and professional Builders free of charge, in the following areas:
1. Laser aligner for Block setting 2. Use of laser aligners and laser measures 3. Use of Robotic Power tools 4. Use of Electronic painting machine 5. Solar panel Installations 6. How to assemble furniture 7. Smart electrification. 8. Applying and installing robotics and AI at homes.
Be amongst the first set to register to benefit from this great opportunity.
Theme: The Role of Professionals, Artisans and Government Institutions in creating a smart and resilient Mega-city.