Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Government of Edo State
Ministry of Environment and Public Utilities
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)
Project ID: PI24905
Issuance Date: 30th July, 2015
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for GIS-Based Mapping under the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) in Edo State, Nigeria
This request for expression of interest follows the update of the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business issue of 27th April, 2012 and in Nigerian newspapers of 27th September, 2012.
As part of Governments commitment to transformation of the Nigerian socio-economy landscape, a multi-sector project is being executed in Nigeria to mitigate the vulnerability to erosion and support the people as they relate to their land. The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) is an 8-year multi-sectoral and multi-scale program that targets states with acute gully erosion. The project is involving many Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Local Governments, communities and civil Societies who are responsible for planning, economy, finance, works, agriculture, water resources, forests, transport, power, emergency response as well as those focused on climate and hydrological information or watershed/basin regulation. In order to achieve this, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a credit of US$500 million from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project.
The EDO State Project Management Unit of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project intends to use part of the proceeds of the credit for the recruitment of a competent consulting firm for the Mapping of Gully Erosion/flood Sites in the state and general landuse/landcover classification within the Geographic Information System (GIS) framework. The exercise is to help in knowing the status of gully erosion/flood sites and land resources in the state for effective management, monitoring and design of remediation works. The mapping will also underpin project presentation and reporting on key status of erosion sites especially the prioritized sites for the NEWMAP Gully Rapid Action and Slope Stabilization (GRASS) component.
The scope of the work includes the following:
(1) Identification of the sites affected by flood and erosion in the state through proper ground ‘trothing’ and/or field visits which involve, appraisals, observations and measurements (sample/specimen collection).
(2) Acquisition of necessary spatially referenced data of both primary source (such as attributes of selectee sites, comprising of soil types, vegetation types, land cover types and geo-ecological characteristics of the area.
(3) Acquisition of spatial data of secondary origin, such as topographic sheets and satellite images and other records.
(4) Development of spatial database that can be updated from time to time and subsequently, build a GIS for erosion and flood (Erosion and Flood Information systems – (EROFLIS) from the acquired primary and secondary data arising in (1) to (3) above.
(5) Conduct series of spatial analyses and modelling to produce map documents that can guide key policy and management decision making.
(6) Derivation of geo-database on the priority erosion and flood sites in the state
(7) Identification and delineation of major and minor watersheds in the state
(8) Identification of other potential areas prone to gully erosion and flooding in the state and the classification of the degree of vulnerability/risk potentials
(9) Identification of the mechanisms and processes driving erosion and flood development in the state
(10) Assessment of the socio-economic impact of gully erosion and flood hazards on the people
(11) Present in easy to read maps
(i) Spatial extent of erosion in the selected area
(ii) Spatial extent of Flood affected area
(iii) Spatial analysis of socio-economic impacts of RAP action
(iv) Selection of suitable site for resettlements
(v) Predictive models of erosion and flood risk hazard based on anthropogenic, climatic and environmental factors
(12) Proffer best management practices that could mitigate the current problems and prevent future erosion and flood hazards in the state.
The assignment shall be completed within Twelve (12) weeks after signing of contract. (C) EXPECTED OUTPUT/DELIVERABLES
The expected output includes:
(1) Map of land use/ Land cover types
(2) Maps of erosion and flood sites
(3) Maps of predicted flood sites and likely affected areas
(4) Map of erosion Risk hazard shown predicted annual soil loss
(5) GIS of disaster risk that can be updated (specific to erosion and flooding)
(6) Maps showing buildings that the RAP project will affect and the number of persons involved.
(7) Maps showing the best location for rehabilitation for the affected persons
(8) Catchment Area Delineation Maps.
The following deliverables will also be expected;
(i) Six (6) hard copies and electronic version of Inception Report with detailed work plan and indicators of performance. To be delivered within one week of signing the contract;
(ii) Eight hard copies and electronic version of Draft Report to be submitted to the client and circulated for comments and relevant issues raised incorporated into revised version. This will be delivered three (3) weeks after submission of inception report.
(iii) Final Report to include a concise Executive Summary with all annexes and bibliography and the dissemination/disclosure plan, to be delivered 2 weeks after submission of draft report.
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) now invite eligible consulting firms(“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are: (i) Evidence showing that the firm is a legal entity (ii). Evidence showing the fields of specialty of the firm (iii). General Experience of the Firm(s) in Consulting Services relating to GIS based mapping during the last 4 years (For each previous project performed, the consultant must provide the name and contact address of the client (office & e-mail address, and telephone number), date(s) of execution, name(s) of lead and associate firms, contract amount and financing sources.) (iv). Experience of working in a similar geographical region (v). Availability of Professional Key Staff with Suitable Qualifications in the field of assignment (vi). Evidence of registration with relevant authorities and professional bodies (vii). Evidence showing the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm in the field of assignment (viii). Brief description (not more than 2 pages) of the proposed Methodology of carrying out the scope of the work.
The attention of interested Consultants(firm) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants (under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants) by World Bank Borrowers) (January 2011) (“Consultant Guidelines”) Please visit www.worldbank.org, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest, in addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment on information on conflict of interest related to the assignment as per paragraph 1.9 of Consultant Guidelines.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultancy Qualification Selection (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further Information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (10.00 am to 4.00 pm).
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 14th August, 2015.
State Project Management Unit (SPMU)
Edo State – Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (EDO- NEWMAP) Palm House, 9th Floor, Sapele, Road,
Benin City Edo State, Nigeria
Email: edostatenewmap@yahoo.com
Tel: 08034279626, 09099746661, 08050180888
Attention: Engr. John Adisa