by SNGZ | Nov 10, 2015 | Tenders
National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency (NSRMEA), Kaduna
(Ministry of Mines and Steel Development)
Invitation to Tender for Intervention Projects
National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency (NSRMEA) Kaduna, a parastatal of Ministry of Mines and Steel Development hereby invites tenders from competent and interested companies for the execution of the Constituency/Intervention Projects Domiciled in the Agency
The Projects are as Follows:-
Lot l. |
Detailed Geological Investigation of Mineral Occurrences of economic Value in Anambra East, Anambra State. |
Lot 2. |
Geophysical Assessment to Identify Productive Water Bearing Aquifers in Anambra West, Anambra State. |
Lot 3. |
Investigation of Mineral Resources of Ajaokuta LGA, Reconnaissance/Geological Mapping, Detailed Mineral Inventory, Exploratory Pitting and Trenching, Topographic Survey, Chemical Analysis of about 200 Samples, Reserve Determination of Selected Minerals and Report Submission. |
Lot 4. |
Training on Local Mining and Quarrying Methods for Local Miners in Ogori-Mangogo LGA, Kogi State. |
(2) Requirements
All registered Contractors are required to provide the following information/ documents, to accompany their proposals:-
(a) Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission.
(b) Evidence of Registration in the National Database of Federal Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers by the Bureau of Public Procurement.
(c) Evidence of compliance with Pension Reform Act and up to date remittance of employees’ pension fund contribution.
(d) Evidence of Equipment and Technology capacity.
(e) Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years.
(f) VAT Registration.
(g) Audited Account of the Bidder for the last three (3) years.
(h) Verifiable list of similar jobs successfully executed.
(i) Evidence of Financial Capability/Bank Support.
(j) Evidence of Payment of non-refundable tenders processing fee of N25,000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand Naira) only
(k) Evidence of Registration with Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria.
(l) Evidence of compliance with ITF Act.
(3) Submission of Pre-Qualification and Collection of Tender Documents
The pre-qualification documents are obtainable from Room 38 (2nd Floor) of National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Malali Village, Kaduna
Two (2) copies of pre-qualification documents for each project should be separately packaged and sent in a sealed envelope which shall clearly state the particular job and Lot No. on the top left “PRE-QUALIFICATION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS” for LOT………….and addressed to the Director General/
Chief Executive of National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Malali Village, Kaduna Closing date for submission of bids documents is Tuesday 8th December, 2015 at 12.00 noon.
Bids opening will take place immediately after closing (Tuesday, 8th December, 2015 at 12.30pm) at the Agency’s Board Room at No. 18, Rabah Road, Malali Village, Kaduna.
All tenders are to be submitted to the Agency’s Tender Box in Room 38, 2nd floor, Exploration House, 18 Rabah Road, Malali Kaduna, Nigeria
Director General/Chief Executive.
by SNGZ | Nov 10, 2015 | Tenders
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Federal Ministry of Environment
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)
Credit No: 5105 UNI Project ID: PI24905
Package No: FPMU/CQS/15/01
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Engagement of EIA Expert Advisor (International)
This request for expression of interest follows the update of the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business issue of 27th April, 2012 and in Nigerian newspapers of 27th September 2012.
The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) is an 8 years multi – sectoral and multi-scale programme that, and on the other hand, to scale out to additional states in Nigeria. The project involves many relevant Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) Local Government Councils, Communities and civil societies. The various MDAs include those responsible for Planning, Economy and Finance, Works, Agriculture, Forest, Transport, Power, Emergency Response as well as those focusing on Climate and Hydrological Information or watershed/Basin regulation. Effective implementation of this project in sustainable manner requires the engagement of an Environmental Expert that will be working with the EA Department in carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment of Erosion Control and Watershed Management projects in compliance with the ESIA Act cap E12 LFN 2004.
The Environmental Assessment Department (EA) is one of the Technical Departments established in the Federal Ministry of Environment at the inception of the Ministry in 1999. The Department is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that all developmental projects are carried out in compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations in order to ensure environmental sustainability. Agenda 21, the blueprint agenda for environmentally sound development, adopted by Heads of State and Governments, including Nigeria at the historic Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, requires that all countries should conduct Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for major development projects. This informed the decision of the Federal Government to enact the ESIA Act No. 86 of 1992 as a demonstration of her commitment to environmentally sustainable development.
Main objective of the Environmental Services
The purpose of this proposal is to select an Environmental Expert Advisory Firm that will coordinate and collaborate with EAD of FMEnv to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed Erosion Control and Watershed Management projects in affected States of Nigeria.
Institutional Frameworks
The Expert Advisory firm shall work in line with existing laws and standards or as required by the Environmental Assessment Department of Federal Ministry of Environment and the World Bank. The Environmental Expert Advisors’ office shall be in the FPMU building complex of NEWMAP.
The study will be completed in a period of 12 months starting from the date of commencement of the contract.
Submission of Expression of Interests (EOIs)
The Federal Project Management Unit of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services.
Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are; (i) evidence showing the fields of specialty of the firm (consultant’s profile/brochures) (ii) evidence showing that the firm is a legal entity (certificate of registration), (iii) evidence of registration with relevant authorities and professional bodies, (iv) evidence showing the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm in the field of assignment, (v) experience of working in a similar geographical region, (vi) Description of similar assignments, (vi) availability of appropriate skills among staff, and availability of essential technology etc.). For each previous project performed, the consultant shall provide the name and contact address of the client (office & e-mail address, and telephone number), date(s) of execution, name(s) of lead and associate firms, contract amount and financing sources.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers [July 2014] (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualification Selection method (CQS) set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (10.00am to 4.00pm).
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) on or before 25th November, 2015
Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project
Attn: Federal Project Coordinator
Federal Ministry of Environment,
No. 170, Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II,
Abuja, Nigeria.
by SNGZ | Oct 30, 2015 | Tenders
Standards Organisation of Nigeria
Invitation for Pre-qualification and to Tender/Bids
The Standards Organisation of Nigeria SON in furtherance to its statutory mandate intends to implement some capital projects under goods, works, consultancy and non consultancy in accordance with Public Procurement Act 2007. The Organisation, therefore invites interested and competent companies to submit their prequalification documents for projects as follows;
S/N |
Procurement of Goods (LOT 1) |
1a |
Supply Of Desktop Computers, Laptop And Accessories |
1b |
Supply Of Office Equipment And Software For Statistics And Storage Devices |
1c |
Supply Of Various Laboratory Chemicals |
1d |
Supply Of Various Office Furniture, File Cabinet, Office Equipment And Stationeries |
1e |
Supply of Operational Vehicles |
1f |
Supply Of Electrical Appliances (Bulbs, Ceiling Fan, Extension Boxes, Table Lamps And Ups) |
1g |
Supply Of Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners Multimedia And Their Projectors And Their Accessories |
1h |
Supply Of Various Laboratory Equipment |
1i |
Supply Of Various Load Cells Equipment |
1j |
Supply Of Water Dispensers |
1k |
Supply Of Regents And Other Consumables For Microbiology Lab |
1l |
Supply Of Block Testing Machines |
1m |
Supply Of Air Conditioners And Installation |
1n |
Supply Of Water Testing Kits |
1o |
Procurement Of Mobile Laboratory Testing Van And Equipment |
1p |
Supply Of Mobile Pressure Testing Equipment |
1q |
Furnishing Of Son Office Awka |
Procurement Of Works (Lot 2) |
2a |
Renovation/Reconstruction Of Son Office Niger State |
2b |
Construction Of Gate House And Perimeter Fencing Of Son Plot Of Land Gudu |
2c |
Construction Of Perimeter Fence And Gatehouse Of Son Plot Of Land Kwara State |
2d |
Completion of Son office Ogun state |
Procurement of consultancy and non-consultancy services(LOT3) |
3i |
Market Research On Substandard Products |
3ii |
Consultancy On Interactive Sensitisation Of Stakeholders On Son Activities |
3iii |
Capacity Building Of Sme On Standardization And Certificat Ion |
3iv |
Consultancy For Creation Of Awareness Of Son Activities |
3v |
Consultancy For Various Traning Programs |
3vi |
Sectorial Stakeholders Workshop |
3vii |
Consultancy For Creation Of-Awareness For Accreditation Committee |
3viii |
Consultancy On Public Awareness Campaign Programme On Standards And You On Various Television And Radio Networks |
3ix |
Support Services For Capaoty Building Training On Product Standardisation And Conformity Assesment |
3x |
Bi-Annual Market Research On The Level Of Substandard Products In Nigeria |
3xi |
Consultancy On The Review And Assesment Of Son Projects And Properties Nationwide |
3xii |
Mechanical /Electrical Firms For Repair And Maintence Of Son Vehicles And Equipment |
3xiii |
Mechanical /Electrical Firms For Repair And Maintence of Photocopiers, Printers, Air Conditioners And Accessories |
3xiv |
Mechanical /Electrical Firms For Repair And Maintence Of Computers And Accessories |
3xv |
Mechanical /Electrical Firms For Repair And Maintence Of Generators |
3xvi |
Printing services |
3xvii |
Production And Rental Of Bill-Boards In Five Geographical Zones In Nigeria |
3xviii |
Consultancy and advocacy on sub-standard products |
3xix |
Provision of courier services |
3xx |
Consultancy On Creation Of Awareness For Son/Mancap Certification |
3xxi |
Consultancy on collection of the level of substandard products in the six Geopolitical zones |
3xxii |
Campaign on son e-procedure certification |
3xxiii |
Consultancy on nationwide sensitization on new cement standards and certification of sand crete block and allied cement products |
3xxiv |
Meeting with stakeholders on the new Son 2015 ACT |
3xxv |
Consultancy on the creation of awareness and campaign on updated iso 90001/14001 |
3xxvi |
Stakeholders review on Iso standards in Nigeria |
Prequalification Requirements
- Evidence of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission;
- Provide detailed company profile;
- Evidence of compliance with PENCOM reform Act of 2004;
- Company audited account for the three years.
- Evidence of Tax clearance certificate (2011-2013) verifiable from the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS);
- Evidence of compliance with Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act of 2011 as amended:
- Evidence of VAT registration with TIN
- Letter of financial capacity and banking support;
- Evidence of 2-3 similar jobs previously executed or currently in progress (including copies of letter of awards completion certificates payments etc.);
- Evidence of company registration certificate with professional bodies;
- Evidence of affidavit to show that all documents submitted are true and directors are not convicted for fraud, firm not bankrupt and that no former or present staff of SON/BPP is a director in the firm;
- Curriculum vitae of key personnel for the project and professional certificates;
- Any other document(s) to support the qualification and tender documents as may be contained in the standards bidding,
(3) Collection of Bid Documents
Bid documents containing full specification of works/goods, consultancy and non consultancy services, scope, terms and conditions of contract for the LOTs above can be obtained from the Office of Head of procurement of the standards organization of Nigeria at No.52,Lome crescent; Zone 7,wuse Abuja ,upon payment of none refundable Tender sum of N20,000.00 Naira only.
(4) Submission of Document/Opening of Documents
The closing date and time for receipt of documents in our office at Abuja Headquarters for both pre-qualification documents and submission of Bids are respectively by 12 noon on Monday 7th ,December 2015. Thereafter, the prequalification documents and bid for the Tender documents shall be opened immediately at the address below on the same date of closing. Interested bidders, representative of bidders and members of public arc invited to witness the opening.
Interested contractors find suppliers must submit one original and 3 copies of their document. The documents must be duly signed and enclosed in a sealed envelope indicating the lot number at the top right hand comer of the envelope and addressed to:
The Director General
Standard Organisation of Nigeria SON
No.52, Lome crescent,
Wuse zone 7. Abuja.
Attention: HOD Procurement)
The documents must be recorded and deposited in the SON Tender Box at THE Organisation Office located at. No. 52, Lome crescent, Zone 7, Wuse, Abuja.
(5) General Information
- Post qualification in line with the PPA 2007 shall be conducted.
- Bidders are to participate in one lot only for this programme
- The names and address of the company should be written boldly at the reverse side of the envelope with the contact telephone n umbers and email
- please note that electronic copies sent through emails will be rejected.
- Any tender not properly recorded and sent to Tender Box shall be rejected.
- The standards Organisation of Nigeria reserves the right to reject all the applications on as submission of the documents shall not be construed to be a comment on the part of the organization or that the organization is under any obligation contact any contractor.
- The advers shall not give any entitlement to any firm submitting quotation to claim any indemnity from the organization
- Interested and eligible contractor may obtain further information between 9.00 am to 5.00pm, Monday through Friday except public holidays at the address below
- The full details of the terms and conditions for bidding will be supplied to pre-qualified contractors upon payment of fee.
by SNGZ | Oct 30, 2015 | Tenders
Transmission Company of Nigeria Project Management Unit
Invitation for Bids Nigeria Electricity and Gas Improvement Project-Additional Financing:Supply and Installation of Substation Essential Power Equipment
Date: 28th October, 2015
Loan No: CR 46200 UNI
(1) The Federal Republic of Nigeria has received a Credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of Nigeria Electricity and Gas Improvement Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the contract for the Supply and Installation of Substation Essential Power Equipment: (NGP-T6).
(2) The Transmission Company of Nigeria Plc – Project Management Unit (TCN-PMU) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply and Installation of Substation Essential Power Equipment; (NGP-T6).
Lot 1: Kaduna Mando 330/ 132/33kV substation, Kaduna Power Station 132/33kV substation, Kainji 330/132/33kV substation, Zaria 132/33kV substation, Bida 132/33kV substation, Hadejia 132/33kV substation, Minna 132/33kV substation and Tegina 132/33kV substation
Lot 2: Jos 330/132/33kV Substation, Katampe 330/132/33kV Substation, Apo 132/33kV Substation, Suleja 132/33kV Substation, Keffi 132/33kV Substation, Enugu 330/132/33kV Substation, Calabar 132/33kV Substation and Onitsha 330/132/33kV Substation.
Lot 3: Ado Ekiti 132/33kV Substation, Ejigbo 132/33kV Substation, Old Abeokuta 132/33kV Substation, Ayede 330/132/33kV Substation, Alimosho 132/33kV Substation, Papalanto 330/132/33kV Substation, Akure 132/33kV Substation and Olorunshogo 330/132/33kV Substation.
International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with the Bank’s Single-Stage Bidding Procedure.
(3) Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at Transmission Company of Nigeria Plc, Project Management Unit (TCN-PMU) at address given below from 9:00a.m to 5:00p.m week days Nigeria time starring from 28th October, 2015.
(4) Complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000.00) or two hundred and fifty US Dollars (US$250.00). The method of payment will be by Certified Bank Cheque in favour of TCN.
(5) The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the Bank Standard Bidding Documents: Procurement of Plant, Design, Supply, and Installation.
(6) Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00pm on 13th January, 2016. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of
Lot 1: Two hundred and forty-one thousand US Dollar (USD241,000.00)
Lot 2: Three hundred and eighty thousand US Dollar (USD380,000.00)
Lot 3: Two hundred and forty-five thousand US Dollar (USD245,000.00) or equivalent amounts in a freely convertible currency. Late bids will be rejected.
(7) Firms that cannot meet the following key qualifications requirements are not encouraged to participate in the bidding process:
(a) Average annual turnover requirement
Minimum average annual turnover of
Lot 1 – Twelve Million and fifty thousand US Dollars (US$12,050,000)
Lot 2 – Nineteen Million US Dollars (US$19,000,000)
Lot 3 – Twelve Million, one hundred thousand US Dollars (US$12,100,000)
Calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the lastFive (5) years
(b) Financial Resources:
The Bidder must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, other than any contractual advance payments to meet the following cash-flow requirements:
Lot 1 – Two Million and forty-five thousand US Dollar (US$2,045,000)
Lot 2 – Three Million, two hundred thousand US Dollar (US$3,200,000)
Lot 3 – Two Million and fifty thousand US Dollar (US$2,050,000)
(c) Specific Experience:
Participation as contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, in at least Two (2) contracts within the last Ten (10) years each with a value of at least:
Lot 1 – Nine Million, six hundred and fifty thousand US Dollar (US$9,650,000) Lot 2 – Fifteen Million, two hundred thousand US Dollar (US$ 15,200,000)
Lot 3 – Nine Million, seven hundred thousand US Dollar (US$9,700,000)
(8) Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend at the address (2) below not later than 12:15 pm., on 13th January, 2016.
Engr. AJ. Ciroma
General Manager, Project Management Unit
7, Hombori Street,
Off Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent
Wuse II, Abuja 900288,
by SNGZ | Oct 30, 2015 | Tenders

Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited
(A Subsidiary of NNPC)
Block C, NNPC Towers, Herbert Macualay Way, P.M.B. 190, Garki- Abuja, Nigeria
Request for Expression of Interest for Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Contract for the Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal
The Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited (PPMC) intends to carry out the Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal with HPPE pipes.
Escarvos Terminal is a crude oil storage facility that is vital to NNPC/PPMC operations. Hence the need to ensure compliance with Industrial Safety Standard is necessary.
Fire Hydrant Ring Main is a pipeline network and other accessories that transport water for fire-fighting operation. The need to upgrade the facility is to avoid unexpected failure due to severe corrosion damage on the entire hydrant line caused by sea water being the source of water at the terminal, particularly at the critical points such as the weld joints, fittings and valves.
(2.0) Purpose of the Project
In view of the need to sustain high pressure, high volume during fire-fighting intervention and ensure compliance with Industrial Safety Standard, it is necessary to replace the Fire Hydrant Ring Main for effective fire-fighting capability at Escravos Terminal.
(3.0) Brief Description of the Project (Scope of Work)
The EPC Contract scope of work shall cover but not limited to the inspection of existing facilities, engineering, detailed design and procurement, construction, testing, commissioning and training.
The new HPPE Hydrant line, Pressure Safety valves, Bronze Threaded Gate valves, Hydrant and Bronze threaded electric Actuators in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as ASME 150, ANSI/AWWA C906, M&H AWWA C502 etc. are to be installed as replacement for obsolete facilities.
In line with the above, the following shall form but not limited to the scope of work to be executed:
(3.1) Procurement and delivery of 180nos. (2160m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 315 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 300nos (3600m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC, ISO 4427 (∅ 280 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 65nos (780m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 160 X 28.6mm X 12m) Procurement and delivery of 10nos (120m length) HPPE pipe PE 100 PN 16 ACC. ISO 4427 (∅ 110 X 28.6mm X 12m) and associated fittings, w=20.43kg/m (0.4MT), CAF Gaskets consisting 15nos each (3”, 4” & 8”) 30noe-6”, 24nos-12” & 50nos-10” sizes
(3.2) Supply 48nos. HPPE End Flanges consisting Supply of 149nos. HPPE Butt Ends consisting of 15nos each (3”, 4” & 8”), 30nos-6”, 24nos-12” & 50nos-10” sizes.
(3.3) Provision for Hose cabinets
(3.4) Procurement and delivery for installation of Bronze Threaded Electrical Actuators (Intelligent Actuators -Rotork), Procurement and delivery for installation of Bronze Threaded Gate valves 12” ASME 150 Gear operated Model 8811 Oper 751G isolation valves flanged type with rubber gaskets, bolts and nuts to fit.
(3.5) Installation of HPPE pipes 6,600m long, road crossings inclusive.
(3.6) Installation and protection of 20nos. 4” and 10nos. 6” standard hydrant valve with flanges and fitted with isolation butterfly valves in concrete ducts and water hose caps/sockets.
(3.7) Excavation in alignment with hydrant line by ditching 1m x 1m x 6,600m hydrant line, point support, road crossings and laying of pipes as may be directed.
(3.8) Provision for backfilling/site reinstatement.
(3.9) Provision for Cashes and any other ancillary works necessary to complete the project as specified.
(3.10) Provision for tie-in and removal of old hydrant ring main to designated location
(3.11) Pre-commissioning/commissioning of fire water hydrant point fit for intended service
(4.0) Pre-Qualification Requirements
NNPC in compliance with the provisions of Public Procurement Prospective Act 2007 request interested companies to submit the detailed requirements listed below in their pre-qualification bid documents:
(4.1) Full details of company profile with Certificate of Incorporation in Nigeria, certified true copies of Memorandum and Article of Association of the company and CAC form C02 and C07 (Particular of Directors).
(4.2) Company Tax Clearance certificate for the last three (3) years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
(4.3) Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance.
(4.4) Evidence of compliance with part IV, 16(6d) of the public Procurement Act 2007 as it relates to PENSION (Certificate or exemption from PENCOM) and section 1(2) Pension Reform Act 2004.
(4.5) Evidence of Compliance with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amendment Act 2011 by inclusion of copy of Compliance Certificate from the Industrial Training Fund.
(4.6) Audited account for the past three (3) years (2012, 2013 & 2014).
(4.7) Nigerian Content plan that demonstrates full utilization of Nigerian Labour and Services with detailed description of role, work scope and man-hours in order to achieve minimum target as set out in the requirements of the NOGICD Act 2010.
(4.8) Current and in-place organizational structure with the detailed experience and skill of key management personnel with names. Provide evidence (personnel list and position organizational chart) percentage that are in Nigerian Nationals and the percentage of the total workforce that are Nigerians.
(4.9) Detail past/present commitment to staff training and development of Nigerian personnel.
(4.10) Evidence of financial capability/ Bank reference
(4.11) Evidence of verifiable work experience on similar service in Nigeria over the past five (5) years. Please attach reference letters.
(4.12) List of verifiable similar service detailing companies’ that the service rendered to. Company full contact address (Not P.O Box), Functional phone numbers and e-mail address.
(4.13) Confirm willingness to commence with the execution of this service on the basis of letter of intent (LOI).
(4.14) Company’s Cashes and QA/QC Policy & Details of safety records for accidents, incidents, injuries and damages for the past three (3) years e.g. lost time incidents, Down-time etc.
(4.15) Evidence of registration with Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) permit and NIPEX.
(4.16) Any additional information that will enhance the potentials of the company.
(5.0) Submission of Expression of Interest
All prospective companies wishing to express their interest to tender for the procurement of the works described in 3.0 above shall submit relevant documentation for pre-qualification as stipulated in 4.0 above. The requested information and any supporting documents in respect to these requirements should be submitted in One original plus Two hard copies and two electronic copies (CD ROM), The documents which shall be in separate packages shall be sealed and clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Replacement of Fire Hydrant Ring Main at Escravos Terminal” to reach the address given below, not later than Monday 28th December, 2015.
The Secretary,
C & I Dexcom Tenders Board, NNPC,
Block D, First ( 1st ) Floor, Room 45B, Herbert Macaulay Way,
NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT.
(6.0) Important Information
It must be noted that:
(6.1) Only shortlisted companies will be contacted
(6.2) Late submission shall be rejected
(6.3) Your company shall provide NNPC with letter of Authority to verify all claims made in your submissions
(6.4) Please note that this is not an invitation to tender. Only companies adjudged qualified by NNPC under this pre-qualification procedure will be invited to participate in the competitive tender
(6.5) NNPC reserve the absolute discretion and right to either accept or reject any documents and it shall not be required to assign a reason for refusal to invite your company to participate in the competitive bidding exercise or to enter any correspondence concerning the selection of any contract for the services
(6.6) All claims must be adequately substantiated and verifiable. NNPC shall deal directly with only authorized officers of the interested companies and not through individuals or agents (ownership is therefore essential)
(67) All cost incurred by your company as a result of this pre-qualification exercise shall be to your account.
(6.8) The pre-qualification and any related process neither create any commitment by NNPC nor establish any legal relationship
(6.9) Relevant and verifiable cognate experiences with NNPC/PPMC, or other organizations, on similar work stating the years and:
(i) Title of service (s)
(ii) Brief description of service (s)
(iii) Client (s)
(iv) Scope of work performed
(v) Date of award of contract(s)/contract value
(vi) Contractual period for execution of service
(vii) Actual period of execution/completion certificates
(viii) Reasons for discrepancies between (vi) & (vii) above if any
(ix) Nature of contract (fixed, lump sum, reimbursable, etc.)
(x) Name and address of a referee in Client Company for each project indicated (provide telephone numbers, fax and e-mail address for quick reference).
The EOIs must be submitted within working hours on or before 4p.m, December 28th, 2015.
All EOIs will be opened immediately after the above stated deadline.