The Slovenian business club in Nigeria ˝Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE˝ is organizing a business event – Presentation of the Slovenian economy to Nigerian entrepreneurs and investors. The event will be held in Nigeria, at One Nation Hotel, Plot 1248, 4th Avenue, Festac Town, Lagos-Nigeria. The event will take place on September 29, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
Additional information can be obtained in Slovene or English from the president of the business club (Mr. Fred Uduma) at the email address: or the DG/CEO (Mr Uche Udungwor)
The event is co-financed by the public agency SPIRIT Slovenia and the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia.
The US tech giant Google is planning to launch a quantum technologies centre in Ljubljana, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister Igor Papič told the STA on 30 May. Doctoral students could start this autumn or next year at the latest. Several hundred engineers are expected to graduate annually.
Papič did not know the value of the investment. He said this was in Google’s hands. “The ministry has pledged to provide scholarships, training for students and help with their residence permits.”
“Google’s plan to educate doctors in the field of quantum technologies in Slovenia is a recognition for the country and the Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,” said Papič on the sidelines of the Conference by the Slovenian Committee of Electric Power Engineers in Bled.
The faculty and professor Dragan Mihailović are directly involved in the project, said Papič, adding that this proved Slovenia was recognised for its expertise in this niche field.
The minister said that Google would bring a number of globally acclaimed experts to the country, while Slovenia would try to attract some to stay here, because they are needed.
Nigeria Build Expo: 7th International Construction, Building Materials and Technologies Exhibition will take place on 06-08 June 2023 at LandMark Expo Center Nigeria – Lagos (Live Expo).
Our billboards are all around Nigeria , we are ready to welcome to exhibitors and visitors for the 7th time with con-current conferences and seminars.
Why Attend Nigeria Build Expo 2023 ?
As an attendee, you will meet international Manufacturers of over 150 brands, network with the right professionals and most importantly, have the opportunity to learn first hand from experienced and professional Builders free of charge, in the following areas:
1. Laser aligner for Block setting 2. Use of laser aligners and laser measures 3. Use of Robotic Power tools 4. Use of Electronic painting machine 5. Solar panel Installations 6. How to assemble furniture 7. Smart electrification. 8. Applying and installing robotics and AI at homes.
Be amongst the first set to register to benefit from this great opportunity.
Theme: The Role of Professionals, Artisans and Government Institutions in creating a smart and resilient Mega-city.
Food & Beverage West Africa takes place annually in Lagos. The exhibition will host over 120 international and local food and beverage companies presenting their products to more than 4,000 attendees consisting of local importers, distributors, retailers, manufacturers and those operating in the hospitality industry and other industries. The food and beverage market is of utmost importance, as Nigeria’s population is growing rapidly – from the estimated 198 million currently to over 260 million by 2030. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are increasing in numbers across Nigeria as customers and consumers turn to modern grocery retailers for convenience and quality in their shopping experience. The Food & Beverage (FAB) West Africa is the premier food and beverage exhibition for the West African region.
This year the Food & Beverage West Africa takes place on 3 days from Tue., 13.06.2023 to Thur., 15.06.2023 in Lagos already for the 6th time.
Lunos, the Ljubljana-based developer of home ventilation systems which recently changed its name to I-Vent, has been acquired by the British company Volution Group, for up to €40 million. Volution Group said I-Vent would continue to be led by its founder Milan Kuster.
I-Vent designs, manufactures and supplies ventilation systems for buildings. It was founded as Lunos in 2010 and attained rapid growth in recent years. It presently has 20 full-time employees. In 2022, it generated revenue of €10 million and a net profit of €3.4 million.
Volution Group, a leading international designer and manufacturer of energy-efficient indoor air quality solutions, said it would immediately pay €25.2 million for an outright stake in Lunos, with further contingent consideration of up to €15 million based on stretching growth targets for the financial results for the three years up to the end of 2025. Regulatory approval is still pending.
“The feelings are mixed, you kind of see the company as your child. We had multiple offers and ended up deciding for Volution,” the newspaper Finance quoted Kuster as saying. Kuster announced that I-Vent would remain an independent company after the takeover and that he would lead it for at least three more years.
The buyer is opening the way for I-Vent to enter global markets, which is what the company has always wanted. “France and the rest of Western Europe are very difficult to penetrate. Through Volution, which has a sales network, it will be much easier. We expect significant growth in sales,” Kuster added.
Volution Group reported around €340 million in revenue and a profit of just under €40 million for 2022.
The family-run business Mebor is one of the world’s leading makers of log cutting machines. Supplying products to customers in more than 65 countries worldwide, the Železniki-based company knows its way around all sorts of wood or working conditions, including Siberia’s bitter cold or Africa’s tropical climate.
Mebor’s beginnings date back to 1982 when Boris Mesec designed and built the first Mebor band saw. Ever since the company has been growing and currently, it employs more than 100 workers and its service network includes more than 20 teams worldwide.
The company produces more than 250 large machines every year, most of them are its flagship product, horizontal band saws for cutting logs. In addition, the company produces transport equipment and smaller machines as well as complete sawmill lines, thus catering to small, medium and large-scale sawmills.
Heavily export-oriented, the company supplies some 70% of its products to customers in Europe and the rest to other continents. Mebor has adapted its machinery to different customer needs and wood types around the world. If a machine is to operate in a tropical area, it is fitted with special motors and electrical equipment, whereas a hydraulic oil heater is installed in those meant for low-temperature areas.
Mebor keeps developing new innovative solutions to adapt to changing market needs, following trends towards automation and labour costs reduction. The company was the first to make a fully automatic horizontal band saw.
“There would be no success or growth without innovation and development, and so we vigorously pursue this, investing a lot in the development of our machines and our brand. This is the only way we can thrive in a global market where competition is fierce,” the company says.
Mebor, a family-run business, is based in Železniki, north-west of Ljubljana. Photo: Mebor
Mebor’s future plans include production expansion at their base in Železniki to facilitate further growth, particularly in the segment of vertical band saws.
From the very start, the company has been known for its steady growth of 10-30% a year. In 2018, it received the Golden Gazelle Award for the best fast-growing company in Slovenia.
Price hikes and problems in the supply chain have somewhat upset the apple cart, but nevertheless, Mebor counts on expanding further this year since demand has continued to grow despite recent market slowdowns.
Steady growth translates into new hiring every year, but there are some difficulties in getting properly trained staff so many newly-hired workers are trained on the job. They also work with young people, offering traineeships to high school students.
The company attracts young engineers whom it gets to know very well during their studies, Uroš Mesec, Mebor’s director responsible for development and production, recently told the newspaper Finance. He runs the company along with his two brothers.
Mebor’s 20-strong engineering and development team won Finance’s 2022 award for the best such team at the manufacturers’ competition Factory of the Year. The company has told the newspaper that the team’s members have a free hand in the way they decide to approach and tackle challenges.