Request for Expression of Interest

Pan Africa Solar Ltd. announces the Request for Expression of interest(RfEoI)  for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and the subsequent Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for a 24 MWp PV project in Katsina district of Nigeria.

Suitable companies with an international track record of PV installations in the MW-range are invited to participate. Local companies may form a joint venture with international companies to meet the criteria. Out of the participants of this RfEoI process, three companies will be shortlisted for the tendering of the EPC and the O&M contract.


The RfEol documents have to be requested by Friday, 5th Sep. 2014.

Requests for clarification can be submitted until Friday, 12th Sep. 2014.

All participants will receive the clarifications by Friday, 19th Sep. 2014.

Deadline for the submission of the EoI is Friday, 26th Sep. 2014.

Consultant for this tender is Solar praxisMena FZC, P.O. Box 120783, Sharjah, UAE

To obtain the RfEoI documents please send an email to:

Pan Africa Solar

Utility Scale Solar Power

Pan Africa Solar Ltd

P.O Box 7878

Wuse, Abuja
