National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON)

Invitation to Tender for Printing of Passport Appendices and Pilgrims’ Identity Cards for Hajj 2015

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), hereby requests reputable and competent printing companies to summit tender for the printing of passport Appendices and pilgrims identity cards for the 2015 Hajj operations. The items are as stated below

Item Quantity Colour of Cover 
Passport Appendices for ordinary pilgrims 67,000 Ash
Identify cards for ordinary pilgrims 67,000
Passport Appendices for international
10, 200 Purple 

(2)     Samples of the intended items shall be available for inspection by the prospective applicants at the procurement Unit of the Commission between 12noon and 4pm every working day within the advert period,

Tender Requirements

(3)     Applicants must have the capacity to produce security documents and are required to submit the following:

(a)     Current pension Clearance Certificate from PENCOM.

(b)     Evidence of Compliance Certificate with the provision of section 6(1) (3) of the Ammended Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Act No. 19 of 2011

(c)      Audited accounts of the Company for the last three years (2012, 2013 and 2014).

(d)     Evidence of Experience in Jobs of Similar Nature and Complexity Executed within the last (5) years with Verifiable Letters of Contract Award and Certificates of Job Completion.

(e)      Detail Company profile including contact address of the company and indicating CVs/Provisional Qualification of key Company staff.

(f)      Evidence of verifiable Financial Capacity/Reference letter from a Reputable Bank (attach Bank Reference Letter).

(g)     A Sworn affidavit that all the information/Documents provided is Correct and verifiable by the Organization.

Collection of tender documents:

Interested eligible Firms/contractors are expected to collect the tender documents from the address below:

The Secretary,

Procurement Planning Committee,

NAHCON Head Office,

Sokoto House.

No 1, First Avenue.

Off Ahmadu Bello Way,

Central Business District


Interested eligible Firms/Contractors are expected to pay a non-refundable tender fee of Five Thousand Naira only (N5.000) in a certified bank draft payable to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria.

Submission of Documents:

All Tender documents (Technical and financial) three copies each, are to be neatly bound and placed in two separate envelopes and clearly marked at the top left hand corner with TECHNICAL BID FOR PRINTING OF PASSPORT APPENDICES AND PILGRIMS IDENTITY CARDS FOR HAJJ 2015 and FINANCIAL BID FOR PRINTING OF PASSPORT APPENDICES AND PILGRIMS’ IDENTITY CARDS FOR HAJJ 2015 with the name of the Company/Firm clearly written at the reverse side of the envelope. The envelope should be addressed to:

The Secretary,

Procurement Planning Committee,

NAHCON Head Office,

Sokoto House, No 1, First Avenue,

Off Ahmadu Bello Way,

Central Business District


All tender documents should be dropped in the tender box located at the office of the Commission’s Secretary within working hours on or before Tuesday 10th March, 2015 at 2.00pm

Opening Of Bids:

Tender documents will be opened immediately following the deadline of the submission on Tuesday,10th March, 2015 by 2:00pm at the Reception Hall of the Commission’s Headquarters, National Hajj Commission of Nigeria. No.1 First Avenue, Off Ahmadu Bello Way, Abuja. All applicants and interested members of public are invited to attend the bids opening session.

Note Please:

Successful Companies are to note that:

(i)      This invitation is not interested to create any form of contractual relationship or obligation on the part of the Commission; nether shall it be liable to any applicant for any expenses or loss incurred in connection with this application.

(ii)     Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the Commission’s Secretary.

(iii)    Failure to satisfactorily fulfill the conditions as requested above will result to invalidation of such bid.

(iv)    Only shortlisted firms would be contacted.

(v)     This advertisement is published for information purpose only and should not be considered as a commitment or obligation on the part of the Commission to award a Contract.

(vi)    The Commission is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the bidding process without incurring any liabilities and assigning any reason thereof.

(viii)  Bidding documents must be dully signed by an authorized official to bind the bidder to contract.

