3rd Annual General Assembly Meeting of Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
The management board of the Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite it’s valued members to the 3rd Annual General Assembly Meeting holding on the;
Date: 21st April, 2015
Venue: Dunajska 104, 1000 Ljubljana
Time: 15:00 – 18:00
- Appointment of minute taker and two person’s verification commission
- Reading of the last AGM minute and adoption
- Annual address by the president
- Presentation of the SNCC work program and financial report for 2015
- Member’s suggestions and remarks of the SNCC work program and financial report for 2015 and adoption
- Presentation of the SNCC 2016 work program and financial Plan
- Member’s Suggestions and Remarks of the SNCC work Program and financial plan for 2016 and adoption
- SNCC constitutional amendment review and adoption
- Dissolution of the supervisory board / Nomination of new candidates and New Election
- Working groups
- Miscelaneous 1. (Slovenia Trade mission to Nigeria)
SNCC members are entitled to propose additional items to the AGM agenda. The management board will notify SNCC members of any eventual additional items that will be proposed for the agenda by email at least 2 days before the AGM.
Yours sincerely,
Ambroz Vuga
Secretary General
Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
Slovensko-Nigerijska Gospodarska Zbornica
Dunajska cesta 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
(T) +38682054854 (Fax) +38682054855