
The EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Euronews as a main media partner organized and hosted the 1st edition of the EU-Africa B2B Forum in Mons (Belgium),

This high level Business-to-Business (B2B) event brought together over five hundred 500 business professionals to discuss mutual opportunities, expectations and needs. The EU-Africa B2B Forum enabled business contacts between professionals from African and European private sectors, but also between European businesses themselves. The Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce was represented by its president Mr. Fred Uduma. The Chamber in partnership with EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce will in the future host this event in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The B2B meetings took a predominant part of the event, but the EU-Africa B2B Forum also offered sessions for investment pitches and on key topics such as Energy, ICT, Mining & Raw Materials, Agro-business, Rail & Road, Business Law and Tourism.

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