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“Together in Africa”
Slovenian – Hungarian Business Conference
Date: 23 March 2017
Place: TR3, Trg republike 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Time: 11.00-16.00
The Slovenian – Hungarian joint business event aims at connecting the capacities of Slovenian and Hungarian companies already active in Africa and of those planning to enter that market. Possible financing mechanisms for doing business together in Africa both at the national level and from the European Development Fund will also be addressed.
Companies operating in the sectors of energy, ICT, water treatment, agriculture, construction and healthcare will gather in the framework of a plenary session and further business-to-business and business-to-government workshops. The Conference will be organized with the assistance of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce. SID Bank of Slovenia and the Hungarian EXIM Bank have also been invited to participate in the event.