by SNGZ | Dec 15, 2015 | Chamber News, News

The Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce It’s partnership with Intertek. From January 2016, SNCC is in position to help you comply with all Import/Export requirements for Nigeria and other countries.
Exporters/Importers trading with Nigeria need to comply with the requirements of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria Conformity Assessment Programme (SONCAP) in order for their goods to clear customs, failure to do so can result in severe delays in goods clearance, penalties or even shipments being returned.
SONCAP was implemented in 2005 to assure Nigerian consumers of the quality and safety of imported goods and to facilitate trade.
‘Regulated Products’ within the programme require a SONCAP Certificate prior to export. Intertek is the longest serving Conformity Assessment Programme (CAP) partner and approved to issue both SONCAP and Product Certificates for goods exported to Nigeria.
The requirements for SONCAP include:
• Every consignment of imported goods which contains regulated products must be accompanied by a SONCAP Certificate. Intertek is the most experienced among all PMCs in operating the SONCAP programme.
• The SONCAP Certificate is required to ensure smooth Customs clearance of shipments in Nigeria.
• The SONCAP Certificate confirms that the products comply with the relevant Nigerian technical regulations and approved international/regional/national standards.
• The authorities in Nigeria may take random samples from imported consignments to verify compliance.
• Additional details on the SONCAP procedure and a list of Regulated Products currently requiring SONCAP certification are available at

The Intertek Solution helping you export to Nigeria
• Intertek has experience in providing solutions to businesses exporting a wide range of products to Nigeria. We have undertaken more assessments of more products for longer than any other organisation.
• Intertek has one of the world’s largest networks of laboratories, authorised to test to Nigeria’s requirements including electrical, chemical, automotive goods, building materials and many others.
• Intertek can issue type test reports (full testing) from one our accredited laboratories against Nigerian standards/Nigerian approved (sanctioned) standards.
• Intertek has a global network of offices that have operated Nigerian programmes for many years.
• Our staff are experts on Nigerian standards and requirements as well as understanding the needs of exporters and importers.
• The Intertek Product Certificate is recognised and trusted by SON and by Nigerian Customs.
• Intertek can provide a tailor-made service that meets your particular needs, including:
• Submission of assessment requests online
• Automated e-mails for status of certificates
• Flexible certificate delivery solutions for high volume users
For assistance in exporting to Nigeria, contact us for more details…

by SNGZ | Sep 15, 2015 | Tenders
Invitation to Tender for Sale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil Grades at Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
NNPC Towers, Herbert Macaulay Way, P.M.B. 190,
Garki, Abuja – Nigeria.
Invitation to Tender for Sale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil Grades
(1.0) Introduction
NNPC is the Nigerian National Oil Corporation empowered pursuant to NNPC Act (LFN Cap. 320) to engage in all commercial activities relating to the Petroleum Operations.
In compliance with the Public Procurement Act 2007 and the Bureau of Public Procurement guidelines, NNPC intends to engage qualified and reputable Companies for the sale and purchase of Nigerian Crude oil grades.
(2.0) Brief Description of Scope of Sale
Sale and purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil grades subject to terms and conditions as will be advised in the term sheets and general form of agreement.
NB: Term Sheets and General Form of Agreement shall be made available to pre-qualified applicants. Who may apply:
(2.1) A bona fide end user who owns a refinery and may also own retail outlets. Bilateral involvement of home Governments may be added advantage.
(2.2) Trading arm of Upstream companies operating in Nigeria with established track record of oil and Gas production activities.
(2.3) An established and globally recognized large volume Crude Oil trader.
(2.4) Indigenous Nigerian company engaged in Nigerian Oil and Gas downstream business activities.
(3.0) Pre-Qualification Requirements
(3.1) Full details of company profile with Certificate of Registration/Incorporation, certified true copies of memorandum and article of Association of the company.
(3.2) Company Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years (2012, 2013 and 2014).
(3.3) Evidence of VAT registration and Remittance (where applicable).
(3.4) Demonstration of minimum annual turnover of US$750 million and net worth of at least US$300 million.
(3.5) Ability to establish an irrevocable Letter of Credit for the payment of any allocated Crude Oil subject to the contract terms.
(3.6) Ability to pay an initial deposit of US$2.5Million representing the first lifting deposit upon signing of the contract agreement.
(3.7) Evidence of compliance with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Amendment Act 2011 by inclusion of copy of Compliance Certificate from the Industrial Training Fund (where applicable).
(3.8) Details of the applicant’s facilities, markets and volume of crude oil/ products traded and/or processed over the last three years.
(3.9) Audited account for three (3) years (2012, 2013 & 2014).
(3.10) Evidence of verifiable similar services carried out within the last five years
(3.11) Compliance with the Nigerian Content Act
Compliance with Nigerian Content Act shall be a major consideration in the selection of applicants to lift Nigerian crude oil. It should be noted that evidence of Nigerian equity in the entity seeking consideration shall give competitive advantage.
(3.12) Interested applicants must submit a detailed Nigerian Content execution strategy to the satisfaction of the NCDMB, clearly setting out Nigerian Content commitments for subcontracting in the areas of;
(3.12.1) Insurance and Legal Services
(3.12.2) Banking and Financial Services
(3.12.3) Training and Capacity Building
(3.13) Any additional information relevant to enhance the bid/tender process.
(3.14) Certainty of business integrity and pre-signed undertaking to strictly comply with Nigerian Anti-Corruption laws in processing the bid and executing the contract if successful.
(4) Other Conditions
In addition to the above, applicants should show commitment to the development of the Nigerian economy by investing in any number of investment opportunities that abound either in the oil industry or other sectors or, as an alternative, in the short run, meaningful and sizeable investment in community development project(s) as may be acceptable. Investment areas include:
(4.1) Upstream investment – to increase our reserves and production capacity;
(4.2) Downstream projects in refining, processing, distribution and storage of petroleum products;
(4.3) Gas utilization projects;
(4.4) Independent Power Plant Projects;
(4.5) Agriculture;
(4.6) Railway Construction;
(4.7) Solid Mineral Development;
(4.8) Healthcare sector development and Real Estate Development;
(4.9) And any other areas of the economy acceptable to the SELLER.
(5) Submission of Bid Documents
All prospective companies wishing to tender for the sale and purchase described in 2.0 above shall submit relevant documentation as stipulated in 3.0 above.
The requested information and any supporting documents in respect of these requirements shall be submitted in ONE original plus TWO hard copies and two electronic copies (CD ROM). The documents which should be in separate packages shall be sealed and clearly marked “Invitation to Tender forSale and Purchase of Nigerian Crude Oil” to the following address:
The Group Managing Director
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
NNPC Towers
Herbert Macaulay Way
Central Area, Abuja
All the documents shall be delivered as follows:
(5.1) Bids to be submitted on or before 4.00pm on Monday, 26th October, 2015
(5.2) Venue: Block D, First (1st) Floor, Room 45B, Herbert Macaulay Way, NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Abuja, FCT.
(5.3 ) Bids shall be opened on Tuesday, 27th October, 2015 at 10.00am in the Amphitheatre, 1stFloor, Block A, NNPC Towers.
(6) Important Information
(6.1) It must be noted that:
(6.2) Late submission shall be rejected.
(6.3) Your company shall provide NNPC with a Letter of Authority to verify all claims made in your submissions.
(6. 3) NNPC reserves the absolute discretion and right to either accept or reject any documents and it shall not be required to assign a reason for refusal to invite your company to participate in the bidding exercise or to enter into any correspondence concerning the selection of any contract for the services.
(6.4) All claims must be adequately substantiated and verifiable.
(6.5) NNPC shall deal directly with only authorized officers of the interested companies and not through individuals or agents (ownership is therefore essential).
(6.6) All costs incurred by your company as a result of this pre-qualification exercise and any subsequent request for information shall be to your account.
(6.7) The pre-qualification and any related process neither creates any commitment by NNPC nor establishes any legal relationship.
by SNGZ | May 31, 2015 | News

Ljubljana, July 4th, 2015
His Excellency
Muhammadu Buhari
President, Federal Republic of Nigeria
The presidency
Presidential Villa, Abuja – FCT
Your Excellency,
We, the management and entire membership of the Slovenia– Nigeria Chamber of Commerce hereby felicitate and congratulate you on your emergence as the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the general election of March 28, 2015.
By extension, we also wish to congratulate the good people of Nigeria for peacefully exercising their franchise thereby giving you the mandate, which we consider as an eloquent testimony of their trust on your competence and ability to manage the affairs of the nation.
Consequently, we hope that your administration will bring forth a robust bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Slovenia and also lead the Nigerian Nation into an era of Peace, stability, freedom, dignity, economic growth and prosperity.
We look forward to welcoming you in Slovenia during your first official tour of Europe while putting in motion a Special Slovenian Delegation to your office for further bilateral co-operation.
We wish you a very eventful tenure.
Yours faithfully
Fred Uduma
by SNGZ | May 14, 2015 | Events, News
Addressing New Development Challenges in Partnership
19–20 May 2015
(Conference working languages: English and French)
Under the aegis of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
H.E. Dr Milan Brglez

The International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) is organizing the 4th international Africa Day conference in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Club of Former Slovenian Ambassadors, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, and the International African Forum, to be held in Ljubljana on 19 and 20 May 2015.
Under the title ‘Addressing New Development Challenges in Partnership’, this year’s conference will bring together representatives of the political, business, academic, and cultural spheres from Slovenia and other European and African countries, as well as members of the diplomatic corps.
The two-day event will be held under the aegis of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Dr Milan Brglez. The first day, hosted by the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises, will comprise three panels focused on development cooperation, marking the European Year for Development 2015, on the interconnectedness of development, business and multiculturalism, as well as on the role of the African diaspora in the relations between Slovenia and Africa. The second day will be hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and will be devoted to examples of good practice in development cooperation assistance, investment opportunities and intensifying business cooperation.
We would be pleased to welcome you to the conference.
For your reference please find the summary report of the successful 2014 conference that focused on the topic of investing in people HERE. Please find the program attached HERE and the concept paper HERE.
To register please click here.
For further information you can contact us at:
Phone: +386 1 568 23 31 or