I would like to thank all for attending the Business Breakfast Seminar. We have learned a lot on business approach, legislation and cultural differences between Nigerian and Slovenian (European) culture especially in business relations.

Welcome Address Among the speakers we would like to express our gratitude for the sincere welcome address given by Mr. Aleš Cantarutti Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Fred Uduma Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
On this occasion we also thank the institution that Mr. Cantarutti represents for hosting our event.
James Mr. James Behan (Managing Director) RenePort Ltd. 
Tony and Mr. TonyAyavoro (Legal Advisor) RenePort Ltd for their practical and postive input on doing business in Nigeria and ECOVAS region.
Gregor And last but not least to Mr. Gregor Milčinski (CEO) Sinergise d.o.o. for sharing his personal experience on entering African markets.

We trust that such event brings fruitful business and we will try to set up more of them in future. We welcome you for any questions or further assistance that we can offer as a Slovenian – Nigerian Chamber of Commerce.

Fred Uduma
President (SNCC)