Slovenska gospodarska delegacija v Nigerijo, Abuja in Lagos, 6. – 11. november 2023Slovenska gospodarska delegacija v
Slovenski poslovni klub v Nigeriji – Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE in SPIRIT Slovenija v partnerstvu z gospodarskima zbornicama v Abuji in Lagosu organizirata gospodarsko delegacijo v Nigerijo. Delegacija je del projekta Go Africa Project, katerega cilj...

Slovenska gospodarska delegacija v Nigerijo, Abuja in Lagos, 6. – 11. november 2023
Slovenski poslovni klub v Nigeriji - Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE in SPIRIT Slovenija v partnerstvu z gospodarskima zbornicama v Abuji in Lagosu organizirata gospodarsko delegacijo v Nigerijo. Delegacija je del projekta Go Africa Project,...

INVITATIONBUSINESS EVENT: PRESENTATION OF THE SLOVENIAN ECONOMY TO NIGERIAN BUSINESSMEN AND INVESTORS The Slovenian business club in Nigeria ˝Nigeria-Slovenia Chamber of Commerce LTD/GTE˝ is organizing a business event - Presentation of the Slovenian economy to...
Thank you for attending Business Breakfast Seminar
I would like to thank all for attending the Business Breakfast Seminar. We have learned a lot on business approach, legislation and cultural differences between Nigerian and Slovenian (European) culture especially in business relations. Among the speakers we would...
Business Breakfast Seminar
Nigerian Business Culture, Communication and Negotiation Skills Highlighting the role of Cultural etiquette for companies and individuals seeking to trade or invest in Nigeria. Tuesday 1st July, 2014 – GZS Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana – Slovenia In today’s business, it...
Africa Day Business Conference – 20 May, 2014
The 3rd International Conference on Africa brought together politicians, business people, academics and culture professionals from Slovenia, European and African states, including members of the diplomatic corps. The conference has...
Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast: Nigeria – opportunity in the heart of Africa
The Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce in Partnership with the Embassy of Nigeria Budapest, Hungary, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the International Canter for promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) organized a Business Breakfast meeting...
First General Assembly Meeting of Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
The first general assembly meeting of the Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce (SNCC) was held on Monday 16th of September. The agenda was »Presentation of the Chamber Work Program and Financial Plan for 2013; as well as the 3 Working Groups« Organizational...
Founding General Assembly of Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
On the 28th of May, 2013 Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce was founded. Mr. Fred Uduma, elected president of chamber in his welcome speech said, the imperative for a mutually beneficial relationship between Slovenia and Nigeria is urgent in the...
Sporočila za medije – HTZ Velenje je postal ustanovni član Slovensko-nigerijske gospodarske zbornice
Sporočila za medije 10.07.2013 HTZ Velenje je postal ustanovni član Slovensko-nigerijske gospodarske zbornice Konec maja je bila na pobudo podjetja FATRADE, ki že nekaj let posluje z Nigerijo, organizirana ustanovna skupščina Slovensko-nigerijske gospodarske zbornice...