Business Breakfast Seminar

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Nigerian Business Culture, Communication and Negotiation Skills

Highlighting the role of Cultural etiquette for companies and individuals seeking to trade or invest in Nigeria.

Tuesday 1st July, 2014 – GZS Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana – Slovenia

In today’s business, it is an established fact that culture plays a vital role or to a high degree influences the attitude, perception and decision making process of an individual or company. Doing business in Nigeria requires a know-how experience in Nigerian Business Culture, Communication and negotiation skills that will guide you in establishing a good working relationship.

Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with a population of about 200 million, over 500 ethnic groups and well over 250 languages is a multi-cultural country where business groups or partners negotiate every day for the growth and success of their businesses.

In this event you will hear and learn from the experts how to communicate and negotiates when it comes to doing business in Nigeria and how her diverse culture affects your decision making.

Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce have partnered with Business in Africa Pays and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia to provide you with expert and practical advice and information to fully equip you when considering Nigeria in your globalization projects.


09.00 09.30 Registration of participants and welcome coffee
 09.30  10.00 Welcome Address
Aleš Cantarutti, Director, International Relations Department Chamber of Commerce and Industry of SloveniaFred Uduma, President,  Slovenian-Nigerian Chamber of Commerce
 10.00  10.20 Presentation-Facts about Nigeria’s Business environment and OpportunitiesMrs. Faina E. Obi, Second Secretary in Charge of Trade and Investment, Student Affairs, Protocol, Information and Culture
 10.10  11.00 Presentation -Business Culture-Communication and Negotiation Skills

James Behan – Managing Director, RenePort Ltd

Tony Ayavoro – Legal Advisor, RenePort Ltd

 11.00  11.20  Experience of Slovenian companies working in NigeriaGrega Milcinski – CEO, Sinergise d.o.o.
 11.20  12.00 DiscussionNetworking (possibility of individual interviews with speakers)

Fee: Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia and Slovenian-Nigerian Chamber of Commerce’s participation in the event is free. For the remaining fee is 50.00 Euros (VAT included) for each participant.

For more information: / +38640171774

Applications: Friday, 27 June 2014.

You are cordially invited!